In 1984 the then stewards of Tenby Golf Club (Roger Price and his wife Mary) donated a trophy to be played for twice a year on the first Friday in May and the first Friday in November. The original rules meant you had to be over 50 to win it but over time and with more silverware to play for it has ‘evolved’ to an annual contest and some winners have lived through fewer than 50 Christmases! The original entry in May 1984 also called it the ‘Mary and Roger Trophy’ so perhaps we’ll go back to that name in 2024!
The latest Chicken to get his hands (should that be wings?!) on this fine retro art deco style accolade just before Christmas was Neil Dickinson whose name now joins a list with five other double winners – John Mabe Doug Perry, Ken Gouldsborough, John Hancock and Steve Cole. One person reading out the names on the list of previous R&M winners did comment that there was one name that was read out four times – Ray Endorf!
If you fancy a Friday Trot, as that famous ex-Crackerjack presenter Leslie Crowther later used to say… Come On Down
Report written by Steve Cole