After all the bad weather we have had recently, it was a blessing that our annual battle for the beautiful crystal putter had dry sunny weather. It was cold, but only when that glorious sun went behind a cloud and the wind caught us.
Many thanks to the 20 pairs that turned up to play. The clubhouse was warm and welcoming as we came in, and the scores were stunning. Eight pairs managed to score 40 or more points in this popular greensomes format.
Six pairs won a sleeve of balls each for getting twos: on the 9A, Ann and Christopher Topliss, and David and Penny Cope; on the 12th Diane Gough and Ian Duke, and Trevayne Keohane and Peter Turton; on the 17th Gill John and Joseph Nand-Lal on the 18th and Pam and Steve Wareham.
Then the ever-welcome Bag Draws (where you win your entry fee back) went to Chris and Issie Laurence, Will and Olivia Williams, Beth McMann and Paul Northam, and Gareth Davies and Heather Morgan.
So to the winners: in third place with 43 points, winning on countback from David and Penny Cope, were Trevayne and Peter. In second place, with 44 points were Ann and Christopher Topliss. But the winners were Sarah Waring and Ian Williams with 46 points. Sarah has been runner-up in so many mixed competitions it was lovely to see her in winning place.
It was great to see new couples, and new pairings, join our band of happy players. Our next mixed is the Brooks Cup on March 30th, Easter Saturday, and will go on Masterscoreboard 3 weeks before, and BRS 9 days before. I heard a whisper that the popular Friday Friendly Foursomes may be returning this summer, so watch this space.
Many thanks to Rhys and Jerry for sorting out the cards and running the competition and thank you to those of you who stayed and socialised until the results were done.
Report written by HKM