What a stunning, sunny day we had today on Tenby’s glorious links! Finally, children back to school and the weather changes for the better!
The 125 Anniversary Shield was started in 2013 by Chris and Carol Beecher to celebrate the golf club’s affiliation in 1888. Records in Tenby Council tell us that golf had been played prior to this on the links, however. It has seen many changes over the years but is a stunning course to play.
New clubhouse nearly ready and looking amazing. Master Tenby Links and you feel like you could master the world!
34 golfers played in today’s competition, with a few nervous “what 6 drives each!” and “What? A medal round?” There was some searching for balls, but all drives were in (and clearly marked thanks), and a number of scores were under net par, so well done.
Even better, everyone enjoyed it, which is what the game is all about. Winning their entry fees back were Holly and Steve Watkins, Ann and Wyndham Collins, and our Ladies’ Captain, Sarah Waring, and Ian Williams.
There were also 2 twos recorded, both on the 17th. One by Holly and Steve Watkins, and the other by Gill John and David Blackmore.
So to the scores: the lowest gross today was 85-12-73 from Holly and Steve, who apparently gave their playing partners a master class.
In second place with 88-16-72, (one up from last year’s third place), were Georgina Ormond and Paul James. But they were beaten by our last group in 88-18-70, Angie Gottwaltz and Roger Schooling. Well done to them, great scoring.
Many thanks to Rhys for his help in the Pro Shop, to Sam for coming in to mark the second pairs’ card, and to Laura for coming back to run the competition for me.
Our next mixed is the Christmas Charity game, off the yellow tees, a greensomes stableford with no handicap limit, on 29th December.
Watch out for it on Masterscoreboard.