This trophy for the Mathias Thomas Cup is always a hard competition, but today it was harder than usual. The wind, the heavy showers and the rough all added to the difficult format making many pairs wonder how you could score in it.
The format was men off the white tees, foursomes and a medal round.
Four pairs won their entry fees back. Diana Dredge and Grant Watkins, Mike and Nicola Anthony, Diane Gough and Ian Duke and Irene Gilman and Roger Schooling.
The fact that there were no twos today is testament to the difficulty. But five pairs did manage to have under 80 in their nett scores. Just missing out on the prizes were Fair Ball and Allan Morton with 92-17-75 (Happy Birthday today Fair
), and Alison Daniel and Martin Spurin 84-10-74.

In third place were Donna Kenney and Meirion Griffiths 96-22-74, on the last 9 holes.
Second were Diane Gough and Ian Duke 88-17-71. But this year’s winners of this prestigious trophy, and getting their names on the Honours Board, were Roger Schooling and Irene Gillman 88-17-71, on the back 6 holes.
According to their playing partners it was Roger’s accuracy on the fairways and Irene’s putting that helped them win the trophy.
In his speech Roger thanked the organisers, also those that organise the Ping knockouts (a real trial!) as well as his late stand in for his usual partner, and his playing partners.
For your diaries, the next exciting mixed is a draw for partners, the Sam Ackermann. This is on Friday 21st June at 4pm. It is hoped that lots of members who have never tried mixed golf before will test the waters. It is very relaxed, social and fun….so give it a go. (Please note it is the Long Course weekend)
Finally, a big thank you to the bar staff for looking after us so well when we could see how busy you were, and to Ryan and Rhys for all their help in the Pro Shop.
Report written by HKM